Code of Conduct

Our Group's Code of Conduct is a voluntary commitment by all employees. It is intended to help us comply with guidelines, responsibilities and obligations. The code guides our commitment to excellence, technical and economic performance, ensures compliance with ethical standards and thus helps us to experience fulfilment and satisfaction in our daily work.


Our mission statement

Compliance with human rights, safeguarding the health of every individual and a commitment to active environmental protection are the foundations of our actions. Our guiding principle is the continuous further development of our company, always taking into account the sustainable use of all resources. The satisfaction of our customers is our goal. Personal designations are used generically in the masculine form in the Code of Conduct in a gender-neutral manner.

Quality policy and continuous improvement

The existence and growth of our company are based on the quality of our products and services. The fulfilment of our customers' quality requirements and proof of this through a certified QM system in accordance with DIN EN ISO9001 are therefore an essential prerequisite for our business success. The customer is at the centre of our efforts. We want to supply our customers with high-quality machinery, products and services with a fair price-performance ratio, offer comprehensive service and provide continuous support. We keep our promises to our customers. We promote confidence-building measures to improve the partnership with our customers. We comply with all legal regulations and standards as well as customer and internal company requirements.

We promote quality awareness among our employees. We are convinced that every employee is responsible for the quality of our products. Quality considerations must be included as planned in all phases of operational performance. Suggestions for improvement and ideas from all levels of the organisation are evaluated and implemented. We promote cooperation at all organisational levels by motivating all employees, providing training and constantly improving the exchange of information. Measures to reduce costs must not be at the expense of quality. We minimise costs by avoiding errors and ensuring that all internal processes run smoothly.

All employees are obliged to apply the procedures described in the documentation and associated documents. Legal and official regulations must be complied with. The management system is regularly reviewed with regard to completeness, effectiveness and application. In order to achieve continuous improvement, all employees are encouraged to actively participate in the system and suggest improvements. We see mistakes as an opportunity for improvement.

The goal is the continuous improvement of our company at all levels. This enables us to pursue and improve existing goals and to recognise and set new goals. All employees must orientate their professional activities towards this goal. The achievement of objectives is monitored by the management through regular reviews of compliance and effectiveness.


Personalised advice and precise coordination of details are the most important factors for successful and fair cooperation with our customers. The definition of concrete goals and milestones should trigger continuous and expansive growth for our customers. We pursue this goal with passion. We undertake to keep order-related confidential customer information, test results, new developments, demonstrations or the content of discussions secret in the future. This prevents the utilisation of such data by third parties. This agreement can be summarised in a confidentiality agreement.


Wherever possible, we ask our suppliers to introduce and implement similar principles regarding safety, health and environmental responsibility.


Behind our success is a highly motivated and committed team with creativity and a strong identification with the company. Short, unbureaucratic channels and quick decisions contribute to this. A regular exchange of information, dialogue instead of conflict and the involvement of employees in decision-making processes are key elements of our corporate culture. Discrimination or harassment of any kind, in particular with regard to religion, age, gender, origin, nationality or disability, is prohibited without exception. All employees have equal rights and are entitled to personal appreciation. Respectful interaction with one another and tolerance are the basis for this.

We try to put ourselves in each other's shoes, thus promoting mutual recognition and ensuring a trusting and successful working relationship. We facilitate independent, autonomous work and constantly acquire specialised knowledge, which we apply in a results-oriented manner. With a flat hierarchy and the greatest possible freedom, progressive ideas are turned into optimised complete solutions for our customers.

Occupational safety and environmental protection

Ensuring safety, health and environmental protection and minimising risks to our employees and third parties that could lead to personal injury, occupational illness, work-related health hazards, damage, destruction of property or environmental damage is a prerequisite for the performance of all our business activities. Every accident or environmental damage is one too many. The SMB Group considers these objectives to be of equal importance. We want to emphasise this claim with this code of conduct on occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The health and safety of our employees is a corporate objective of equal importance alongside product quality and economic success.

The following guidelines have been developed to achieve this goal:

  • To recognise and counteract occupational illnesses at an early stage, including through regular medical monitoring of all employees.
  • Accident prevention and health protection maintain and strengthen the performance and motivation of our employees and thus make a significant contribution to our competitiveness.
  • Occupational health and safety is part of the management task. However, it is equally the duty of all employees to contribute to achieving the objectives of occupational health and safety within the scope of their own responsibility.
  • Occupational health and safety and economic activity are not mutually exclusive.

The management and employees agree that the objectives of occupational health and safety, including the humane organisation of work, must be pursued jointly. Our managers create an environment that promotes responsibility and competence for quality, occupational safety and health protection at work. Care is taken to maintain a continuous improvement process for the operational management systems.

Special conditions

SMB International GmbH, MBA Instruments GmbH and SMB Service GmbH reject child labour in any form. Unless a higher age limit has been set by law, no person of compulsory school age or under the age of 15 may be employed. For authorised underage employees, the management must guarantee working conditions, working hours and wages appropriate to their age as well as compliance with the applicable laws.

Forced or involuntary labour, including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour and other forms of forced labour, will not be tolerated in any form.

SMB International GmbH, MBA Instruments GmbH and SMB Service GmbH recognise and respect cultural differences. In matters of employment, promotion, remuneration, additional benefits, further training, dismissal and termination of the employment relationship, all employees are to be judged solely on the basis of their abilities and qualifications.

No employee may be subjected to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. Any form of harassment and bullying in the workplace is unacceptable.


SMB International GmbH, MBA Instruments GmbH and SMB Service GmbH often undertake to customers to keep mutually disclosed internal customer information or findings internal. They are often expressly requested to prevent the utilisation of this information by third parties. This applies in particular to data relating to conversations. All employees and staff are obliged to maintain confidentiality, unless they are already required to do so under their employment contract. In general, however, all customer information, especially in the same or similar customer groups, is subject to confidentiality. This does not apply to information that has already been published or is in the public domain. If an employee is unable to categorise a document precisely in this respect, they must inform their immediate superior or higher-ranking persons immediately.


The management expressly condemns corruption of any kind and undertakes to combat and prevent it within its own company by all means. This applies not only to the bribery of external persons, groups and nations, but also to company employees who may be the perpetrators and targets of bribery. Benefits for individuals are only permitted if they are authorised. This means that the benefit must be appropriate, transparent and authorised by the respective superior.

Money laundering

SMB International GmbH and MBA Instruments GmbH do not participate in any activities related to money laundering. We ensure that we comply with local legal requirements and laws. This also includes compliance with reporting obligations for transactions with foreign currencies. One of our main concerns is to only do business with customers and business partners who pursue legitimate business purposes and therefore only use funds from legitimate sources. If we become aware of money laundering offences, we report them to the relevant authorities and immediately distance ourselves from the institution or person concerned.

Implementation and compliance

Our management system applies a large number of international standards and regulations. It includes the requirements of

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • OHSAS 18001
  • SCC regulations
  • Specialised company according to the Water Resources Act
  • Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX)

as well as the provisions of national rules and regulations.

The management undertakes to fulfil orders in accordance with the contractual agreements, statutory provisions, technical regulations and customer requirements.

This procedure ensures that the organisational, commercial and technical processes that have an impact on the quality, safety and health protection objectives are planned, controlled and checked and that contractually agreed requirements are complied with.

  • Every employee is personally responsible for the implementation of and compliance with the Code of Conduct in their area of work.
  • Every employee has the right to approach a member of management regarding compliance with the Code of Conduct.

With our documentation, intensive training and other documents, we ensure that our policy is understood, implemented and upheld at all levels of the company and by our customers. The Executive Board approves the Corporate Code of Conduct in the present version and puts it into force.

Quickborn, 22 September 2023

Andreas Heckel (Management Board)
Jens Hachmann (Technical Management)
Gerrit von Appen (Commercial Management)
Arne Hoops (Financial Management)

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